Thursday, October 18, 2012

So I had a Job Interview Today

Yes. I had a job interview today. At a charter school working mostly with Muslim students. It was very interesting and it went well, but after further thinking I realize that at this point in my life I am not at the right place to commit to a classroom just yet.

Now before I go on, I must tell you that I strongly believe in the power of prayer. I believe that God answers your prayers in so many ways, and some of those ways are unexpected. For example, I was worried about being able to afford that husband's dental work (apparently he had 7 cavities, one needing extraction). I prayed for the means to afford it. Instead of just getting more money somehow he only needed one cavity filled and did not need to be put under for his procedure. We went from 6 fillings to 1. Amazing, right? So after this lady called me about an interview I prayed. I prayed hard. Not so much that this job would work out perfectly and all that, but that it would work out in the way that it is supposed to and that I would be able to see that. I went in there today not that nervous, which is weird because when I want something really bad I get really nervous. I was calm throughout the interview. I had no intentions of talking about the unknown with the army, but at the end of the interview I felt I had to say something. I know that threw a kink in the plans. I know I won't get the job because of it, and honestly I am ok with it. I did not go in with any intention to sabotage the interview, but before going in I prayed that I would be able to see what this means and where to go from this spot. As we are getting to the end I just felt it. I felt God telling me that I can't hide that from her, and that I can't make this commitment. I feel bad in a way. Right now she is needing to split her class because she has 33 (yes, 33!) 4th graders in her classroom. She is desperate and the school is desperate  but I could kind of feel that desperation and felt uncomfortable with how they were going to start me. I have never felt more confident in a decision (well, I feel as confident in this decision as I did with quitting the daycare job due to management). I am sure some people reading this are thinking that I'm being ridiculous. I should just take the job right? I strongly believe in the power of prayer, and I strongly believe in following God's plan for me. I had a pretty strong message today that this is not in His plan. My own classroom is not in the plans, not yet anyway.

So what does that mean for me now? Well, I am going to be more serious about subbing. At the moment there have been some family issues going on. My grandpa is not quite well and someone has needed to be around to keep an eye on him. Because of this I told them not to call me in the morning with subbing jobs, because I would need to know at least a day prior. This has greatly affected job possibilities  and from now on I am going to be more serious about it. If it does not pick up within the next week or so I will be applying to enter the subbing pool down in Rochester, because I hear they are kind of low. I am also thinking of applying for a part-time job. I want to get my foot in the door teaching-wise and to gain more experience, but I also need to make some money.

All this being said, I am confident in what I am doing. I guess you can think and judge me how you want, but I want to write this before anyone asks me how the interview went.

And now to end with an awesome song.

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